I thank God

I thank God
I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the most expensive things but I've got a most precious gem… a friend like you.

Jan, 13 2012     155 chars (1 sms)     826 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

When u count best frnds dont count me. When u count close frnds dont count me. but when u really need a friend start frm me!
My hands never pain when typing message for you..!! But my heart always pain when there is no reply from you..!!
Heart never hate blood. Fish never hate water. Flower never hate honey. Earth never hate rain. My heart never hate U & U FRIENDSHIP!
1000 of friends I make, Everyone’s hand I shake. But real friends are few and The best is ……U
Pain of missing frnds is realisd when U r alone watchng a gang of frnds enjoyng in front of u & u rememberng the past whch u spent..
"Love is beautiful because its a feeling controlled by heart,but friendship is much beautiful because its a feeling that controls Heart
Each day God sends His angels to guide us. We don't expect to see them with wings, or with halo flying above their heads. Instead, they come in disguise and we call them friends. Thank you for being an angel to me!
"I'm ur friend,U're my friend.."It's the words to keep ur mind. But it would be the words that express in ur feelings..KeeP FR!ENDSH!P
Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so my friend stay wasted all the time, and have the time of your life!
Heart is like Crystal, Preserve it. Love is like perfume, Spread it Feeling are like flood, Flow it FRIENDSHIP is like Umbrella, share it……
Valuing Friendship is not merely by seeing each other everyday. What's more important is, in our busy lives, we Remember each other.
Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U.