Friendship and Love

Friendship and Love
Friendship and Love are medicine for any kind of pain.But be sure that there is no medicine in the world for the pain given by them....

Jan, 13 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     822 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Dreams r2b 4goten reality to b lived. desires 2b fulfilled & destiny 2b reached. where it began. where will it end. friends from da start. friends til the end!.
Ur SMS is pacemaker of my Heart...Ur miss call is beat of my Heart..Ur call is blood cirulation of my Heart ..So plz keep my Heart Alive...
My Friendship means a little heart that never hates, a cute smile that never fades, a smooth touch that never shakes, and a strong relationship that never breaks...
Our friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever.
Friendship is lyk walking on wet sand, D longer u stay D deeper u get into it.. & D moment u try to go, u leave ur Footprints...
It's hard to explain what I feel. What I know is you are my friend. Maybe, I'm never the perfect one, but I will still be your friend no matter what. Just hold on, maybe, I will never be your bestfriend, but your friend forever.
FriEndSHiP Is A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd Is FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd.
Life they say is touch n go. Sum people you know may only be there for sumtime. Sum may go away, but people who find you special will always find ways to stay!
Friendship is a silent gift of nature.. More old more strong.. More deep more clear.. More close more warm.. & Less words more understading....
Friendship is wonderful relation wich needs nothing in dis world except 2 pure hearts to share,play,njoy, fight,support & to live happily forever.
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b Treasured 4 ever, and i Think u r one 2 b Thrown... in the Treasure Box 2 b kept 4 ever.
A friendship is like a winding road, You never know where it is going to go. But there is something that I do know, Which is that our friendship will continue to grow.