Dive into my

Dive into my
Dive into my eyes and u will find an ocean of love and in it a boat of friendship waiting 4 u 4 a non stop journey into the core of my HEART.

Jan, 13 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     920 views       Friendship

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The seven magical colors of Joy, affection, Sorrow, Love, Care, Trust & Helping combines to form a colorful rainbow known as...FrIeNdShIp…
True friends see you true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad when ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply love u coz you r you.
Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I'll always be thankful that once, along my life's journey I found a friend like U...
People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is.
The best things in life can never be kept; They must be given away. A Smile A Kiss and Love.. *Thank u all 4 great support.
A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably
Frndship is not just a word..Not a relationship..Its a silent promise which says..I will be with YOU..Wherever..Wenever..4evr...! :
In flowers my rose is u, in DIAMOND my kohinoor is u, in SKY my moon is u, in RIVER my boat is u,I'M JUST A tree but MY langoor is only YOU
Friendship is a collection of hearts, ready 2 give, share and understand. It never fades & never ends. It only reminds us that life is not perfect without a friend…
Luv Holds Heart,Heart holds feelings,feelings holds emotions,emotions holds tears,tears are held by eyes,eyes hold U,B’coz U hold frendship.
Which Is The Biggest Thing In The World? SEA? No. MOUNTAIN? No. SKY? No. Dont Know? My Big Heart Which Sends U This SMS!
Friendship is like standing on wet cement, the logner u stay the harder it is to leave & u can never go without leaving print behind…