It feels nice

It feels nice
It feels nice when some1 misses u, feels good when some1 loves u. feels better when some1"s with u. But it feels the best when some1 never 4gets u."

Jan, 13 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     990 views       Friendship

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Bina khwabo k bhi koi so paya hai,Bina aansuon k bhi koi ro paya hai. Dosti Aapki dhadkan hai is dil ki, Dil bhi kabhi dhadkan se juda ho paya hai.
True meaning of friendship:Where there is no compromisein telling the secret.And there is no secretfor which u need to compromise..!
Love starts with the eyes Grows with a kiss and end with a tear but Frndship is start with smile Grows with understanding and end with death
People say friends are made in heaven & they come in ur life,But I made my friend in this world & made my life a Heaven…
I am not u r first friend,m not last frnd,m not your best frnd but m sure m your ever lasting me…
People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is.
Shores never meet, but share the same ocean. the moon & stars could not be one, yet are in the same sky.we may not meet often, but yet you are my good friend.
Simple music can make u sing, simple hug can make u feel better; simple things can make u happy, hope that my simple Hi will make u smile.
1 day i'll die & go out of ur life 4ever,then plz buy some nice & beautiful flowers 4 my grave from the money which u r saving by not sending me msgs..
Weakly 1 day holiday, Monthly 1 day salary day, Yearly 1 day birthday, Lifely 1 day death day But sharing ur friendship is everyday!!
A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. a real friend it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.
Flowers of friendship bloom every season, clouds of friendship shower every season, whether i do/dont sms u everyday, But its true i remember u evryday.