Rishto me MAATA Barsat me CHATA Phoolo m KAMAL nashe m AMAL Samaroh m TAALI mazzak KLiye SAALI Dhaatu m SONA Naam m MONA Pyar m GUM OR YaarO me HUM"FAMOUS HAI
read life as the sea, heart as the seashore & friends like the waves. It never matters how many waves r there? What matters is which one touches the seashore.
There r many stars but the moon is u. Tehre r many frends buT thE SWEET one is u. To forget me is now up to u. To forget u is something I will never ever do
Ive made so many mistakes in my life, but something I did right was to have you as a friend and I definitely wont make another mistake of losing someone like you.
Life they say is touch n go. Sum people you know may only be there for sumtime. Sum may go away, but people who find you special will always find ways to stay!
If i am in hell and u r in heaven. I always look up & be proud of u but if iam in heaven and u r in hell, i beg to god send me down coz heaven wont be heaven with u .
you know what? I like u!! you know why?becoz u r d'best,you know why? in ur own simple ways ,u make me feel special u know when? since the day we became =f=r=n=d=s=