To love without condition,to talk without intention,to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of true relation.Happy FRIENDSHIPS Day.
I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
DOSTI is sumthng dat no1 cn hate DOSTI is passion v cn nvr rate DOSTI hppn netime early or lat DOSTI is only mdicine widout expirydate.happy friendship day
Being a frnd is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny storyIt means sharing an honest n true part of urself.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Happy Fship day