Please open ur

Please open ur
Please open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise, flowers can blossom, birds can sing, as all r waiting to see a beautiful SMILE on ur face & say Gud Morning!

Jan, 20 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     813 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Dont be happy for a reason, because that happiness ends with the reason. Be happy without any reason and you will be happy for ever..Happy FRNDSHP DAY
To love without condition,to talk without intention,to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of true relation.Happy FRIENDSHIPS Day.
I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Can I stay here in ur inbox & wait till 5th Aug so I'll b d 1st person to wish HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY 2u my DEAR FRIEND.So pls don’t delete Me.
DOSTI is sumthng dat no1 cn hate DOSTI is passion v cn nvr rate DOSTI hppn netime early or lat DOSTI is only mdicine widout expirydate.happy friendship day
Certain Friends Touch our Heart & We Can't stop Thinking About Them That is The Kind Of Friend you AreHAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Sound bcoms Music, Movemnt bcoms Dance, Smile bcoms Laughter, Mind bcoms Meditation & Life bcoms Celebration when Frnds keepin touch HYFRNDY
Being a frnd is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny storyIt means sharing an honest n true part of urself.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Happy Fship day
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.-HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Tring.. Tring.. Paper.. Paper.. Hot NEWS.. "Mit wishes U a heartly happy FRieNDSHIP DAY.." Thanx being my frnd.
Friends never go away,they walk besides us everyday,unseen & unheard,still near,still loved,still missed & still very dear!HAPPY F'SHIP DAY!