do you know why

do you know why
do you know why i feel like the luckiest girl on earth? coz i have gotta bestest dad in the world YOU i'm so proud to be daddy's girl happy fathers day

Jan, 20 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     682 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Keeping FRIEND is as difficult as losing one,U sacrifice a lot to keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u…But in my HEART..I swear I'm keeping U..happy friendship day
Apun ki dosti_bole to Apun aag tu ghee,Apun milk tu tea,Apun aasman tu tara,Apun janwar tu chara Apun exam tu cheat Apun Munna tu Circuit.Happy frndshp day.
MY FRiENDSHiP may bea DROP in d OCEAN of UR HEART BUT MY WHOLE OCEAN is Incomplete WiTHOUT d DROP of UR FRiENDSHiP.Happy friedship day.
i am a little bird sitting at ur windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch ur eyes and i can tell u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Love is blind,but friendship closes its eyes.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
People Say Friends Are Made In Heaven & They Come In Your Life, But I Made My Friends Like u In This World & Made My Life A HEAVEN..HAPPY FRNDSHIP DAY
Sound bcoms Music, Movemnt bcoms Dance, Smile bcoms Laughter, Mind bcoms Meditation & Life bcoms Celebration when Frnds keepin touch HYFRNDY
Sumtimes in life v think v don’t need any1,bt sumtimes v don’t hv any1 whn v need.So don’t let ur best buddies go!Happy F'ship Day.
Days may end without seeing u. Days may end w/o talking 2 u. It may end w/o messaging u. Bt it will nvr end without remembering U. Happy F'Day....
Relationship is not how long u r together not hw much luv given or received nt hw many times u helped eachother its hw u value 1another.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Being frnd is not just sharing joke,conversation,cup of coffee or funny story.It means sharing honest & true part of urself.HAPPY F'SHIPDAY DAY
Frndship is nt writn by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's writn with the ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot be change....Happy friends day