What You Have

What You Have
What You Have Inherited From Your Father, You Must Earn Over Again For Yourselves, Or It Will Not Be Yours. Happy Fathers" Day,

Jan, 20 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     661 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

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Sare gawaho ko madde najar rakhate hueINDIAN FRIENDSHIP COURT,DHARA 5/07 K tehat ye Adalat apko sachha DOST manke umar bhar dosti nibhane ka hukm deti hai.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
FRIENDSHIP is a crossed cheque of Rs.HAPPY/- when u feel upset & alone,withdraw it from my a/c. when u r too happy,deposit it in my Heart.
Best relations do not need terms conditions and promises,They need only two wonderful person 1 who can trust and other who can understand. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is not written by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's written with d ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot b changed. Dat's f'ship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A Special Smile,A Special face,A SPl Sm 1 I Cnt replace.. A Special thanks from me to u,for d Special FrndShP I found in YOU Happy Frndship day
1chingari angaar se kam nahi hoti,saadgi bhi shringar se kam nahi hoti,ye to dekhne ka fark hai yaro,nahi to dosti bhi pyar se kam nahi hoti.Hpy FRIENDSHIP DAY
People Say Friends Are Made In Heaven & They Come In Your Life, But I Made My Friends Like u In This World & Made My Life A HEAVEN..HAPPY FRNDSHIP DAY
A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Happy Fship day
Friendship is a golden knot that angels tie together, if u never break it, we will be friends forever! wishing you a happy friendship day.
when i said "i do" i was in love but i dont know how much in love i would be when I'd discover the loving father in you happy fathers day
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b Treasured 4 ever, and I Think u r one 2 b Thrown… in the Treasure Box 2 b kept 4 ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Haqiqat samjho ya afsana Begana kaho ya deewana Suno is dil ka fasana Teri dosti hai mere jeene ka bahana hApPy fRiEnDsHiPs dAy