Ek "ROSE" --;--;-

Ek "ROSE" --;--;-
Ek "ROSE" --;--;-<@Un Dosto ke liye Jo milte nahiRoz Roz,Magar Yaad aate hai....HER ROZ.... " Happy friendship day "

Jan, 20 2012     116 chars (1 sms)     841 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

This's al abt Dad.!A person who makes his unsuccessful dreams 2b a successful one in ur life.. Behind our every cheers,wil be his tears.
True friends never go out from our life easily.! But, when it happens, they will comeback at right time without expectation….HAPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Each friend represents a world in us,a world possibly nt born until they arrive & its only by dis meeting dat a new world is bornHPY FRNDAY DAY
Every thing in d world is so fine,but everything in d world is not mine,1 thing which is pure n divine is ur friendship n luckily it's mine..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Life is blank page.Each friend holds a pen & writes their own STORY in every1's life.Thanx 4 covering some wonderful pages in my liFE.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
there is a golden bridge called frndship that’s spans the river of time and links out hearts together event if we walks separate roads of life.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Tring.. Tring.. Paper.. Paper.. Hot NEWS.. "Mit wishes U a heartly happy FRieNDSHIP DAY.." Thanx being my frnd.
Certain Friends Touch our Heart & We Can't stop Thinking About Them That is The Kind Of Friend you AreHAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Zindagi me baarbaar ye makam aye 'Tum hamare hum tumare kam aye 'Bas itnisi duwa hai khuda se 'Agale janam me bhi tumare yaro me hamara naam aye"..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Time wud make us 4get some friends,bt, there wud be some friends who wud make us 4get time.. They r our best of best, one such is u...Happy Friendship Day..
I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship isn't abt becoming somebody's perfect best friend..its all abt findin someone who helps you become the best person u can be…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY