:Don't walk in

:Don't walk in
:Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

Jan, 20 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     786 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Days may end without seeing u. Days may end w/o talking 2 u. It may end w/o messaging u. Bt it will nvr end without remembering U. Happy F'Day....
I am glad you’re my father; You’re really the best; As a dad, you’re a fine one; I’m so very blessed.
Frndshp dsn't occur wit special people..Bt people bcm special after being frnds..I dnt knw wat I am 2u,bt u r alwys special 2me…Take care..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
don’t put me in ur eyes I can drop as tears put me in ur heart so that evry beat of heart can realise my presence this is frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is a golden knot that angels tie together, if u never break it, we will be friends forever! wishing you a happy friendship day.
People Say Friends Are Made In Heaven & They Come In Your Life, But I Made My Friends Like u In This World & Made My Life A HEAVEN..HAPPY FRNDSHIP DAY
i am a little bird sitting at ur windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch ur eyes and i can tell u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Sumtimes in life v think v don’t need any1,bt sumtimes v don’t hv any1 whn v need.So don’t let ur best buddies go!Happy F'ship Day.
you've helped me take my first few steps and the most difficult ones too you put away my frowns and has given me smiles dad no matter what the situations were i always knew you were there happy fathers day
Alone i can only say,but 2gether v can shout.Alone i can only smile but 2gether v can laugh.Alone i can only live but 2gether v can celebrate.Thts frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Dont be happy for a reason, because that happiness ends with the reason. Be happy without any reason and you will be happy for ever..Happy FRNDSHP DAY
To hear what is unspoken, to see what is unseen, to feel without even touching is the miracle called "FRIENDSHIP"…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY