dear dad sometimes

dear dad sometimes
dear dad sometimes it's too few words sometimes it's too great a distance that keeps us from saying what we feel like today it seems you're a world away and i'd like to say ... wish i could be there and tell you how much you mean to me i miss you i miss from the heart!!!!

Jan, 20 2012     272 chars (2 sms)     671 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

I may not b the"Perfect friend"dat u r luking for,Not even d "BEST" among others,But surelyi'm a frnd wants 2 see u Happy 4ever.Happy Frndship day!
Every thing in d world is so fine,but everything in d world is not mine,1 thing which is pure n divine is ur friendship n luckily it's mine..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
MY FRiENDSHiP may bea DROP in d OCEAN of UR HEART BUT MY WHOLE OCEAN is Incomplete WiTHOUT d DROP of UR FRiENDSHiP.Happy friedship day.
dear dad sometimes it's too few words sometimes it's too great a distance that keeps us from saying what we feel like today it seems you're a world away and i'd like to say ... wish i could be there and tell you how much you mean to me i miss you i miss from the heart!!!!
Being a frnd is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny storyIt means sharing an honest n true part of urself.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Being frnd is not just sharing joke,conversation,cup of coffee or funny story.It means sharing honest & true part of urself.HAPPY F'SHIPDAY DAY
Certain Friends Touch our Heart & We Can't stop Thinking About Them That is The Kind Of Friend you AreHAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
when i said "i do" i was in love but i dont know how much in love i would be when I'd discover the loving father in you happy fathers day
Dosto ki kami ko pehchante he,Duniya k gamo ko bi jante he Ap jese dosto ka sahra heTabi to ajbi 'Haskar' Jina jante he!Hpy Frndship day!
Little girl & her father crossing a bridge. Father Said: Please hold my hand Girl: No dad.. You hold my hand. Father: Whats the difference? Girl: If I hold your hand & something happens to me. Chances are that I may let your hand go, but if you hold my hand, I know for sure, you will never let my hand go..!
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father’s Day
Sabhi ko sabh kuch nahi milta nahi,Kisiko hum NAHIN MILTE KOI HUME NAHiN MILTA yeh dil walon ki duniya hai dost,kisi se dil nahi milta to koi dil se nahi milta.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY