Time wud make

Time wud make
Time wud make us 4get some friends,bt, there wud be some friends who wud make us 4get time.. They r our best of best, one such is u...Happy Friendship Day..

Jan, 20 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     750 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Ek "ROSE" --;--;-<@Un Dosto ke liye Jo milte nahiRoz Roz,Magar Yaad aate hai....HER ROZ.... " Happy friendship day "
dear dad sometimes it's too few words sometimes it's too great a distance that keeps us from saying what we feel like today it seems you're a world away and i'd like to say ... wish i could be there and tell you how much you mean to me i miss you i miss from the heart!!!!
Stars are unapproachable…Sun is very hot… Moon is 2 far…So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendshp is what I offer to u..Peace is what I pray for u..Happiness is what I wish for u..But Remembernss is what I expct from uRmembr me 4ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Each day with someone new,I do look n never find anothr U.The World is full of ppl,I knw its true,yet no 1 cud b ever equal 2U.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Zindagi me baarbaar ye makam aye 'Tum hamare hum tumare kam aye 'Bas itnisi duwa hai khuda se 'Agale janam me bhi tumare yaro me hamara naam aye"..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Frndship is nt writn by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's writn with the ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot be change....Happy friends day
kinaro pe sagar k khajane nhi ate,phir yadon mei vo dost purane nahi ate,jee lo in hasin palo ko has k janab, phir laut k dosti k zamane nahi aate.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is not written by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's written with d ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot b changed. Dat's f'ship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Can I stay here in ur inbox & wait till 5th Aug so I'll b d 1st person to wish HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY 2u my DEAR FRIEND.So pls don’t delete Me.
Friendship is a promise made in the heart Silently, Unwritten, Unbrekble by distance, Unchngeble by time, Nice 2 have a friend like YOU *H'PY FRIENDSHIP DAY*
Being frnd is not just sharing joke,conversation,cup of coffee or funny story.It means sharing honest & true part of urself.HAPPY F'SHIPDAY DAY