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Sound bcoms Music, Movemnt bcoms Dance, Smile bcoms Laughter, Mind bcoms Meditation & Life bcoms Celebration when Frnds keepin touch HYFRNDY

Jan, 20 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     662 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Dosto ki kami ko pehchante he,Duniya k gamo ko bi jante he Ap jese dosto ka sahra heTabi to ajbi 'Haskar' Jina jante he!Hpy Frndship day!
don’t put me in ur eyes I can drop as tears put me in ur heart so that evry beat of heart can realise my presence this is frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A good friend is like computer,I enter ur life save ur photo in my hrt,scan& format ur prob,copy & paste ur smle & nevr dlte ur frndshp.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friends never go away,they walk besides us everyday,unseen & unheard,still near,still loved,still missed & still very dear!HAPPY F'SHIP DAY!
Friendship is wonderful relation which needs nothing in this world except 2 pure hearts to share,luv, play,enjoy,fight, support & to live..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A Special Smile,A Special face,A SPl Sm 1 I Cnt replace.. A Special thanks from me to u,for d Special FrndShP I found in YOU Happy Frndship day
i am a little bird sitting at ur windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch ur eyes and i can tell u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Sound bcoms Music, Movemnt bcoms Dance, Smile bcoms Laughter, Mind bcoms Meditation & Life bcoms Celebration when Frnds keepin touch HYFRNDY
I am glad you’re my father; You’re really the best; As a dad, you’re a fine one; I’m so very blessed.
Please open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise, flowers can blossom, birds can sing, as all r waiting to see a beautiful SMILE on ur face & say Gud Morning!
You show me how to be a man You help me, guide me, along the way. You're strong, and yet you're gentle, too. I hope I'm just like you, someday!
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father’s Day