Every thing in d world is so fine,but everything in d world is not mine,1 thing which is pure n divine is ur friendship n luckily it's mine..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Every Garden Must Have ARose,Every Sweet Face Must Have ASmile,Every Grass Must Have A Dew &Every Person In The World MustHave A FRIEND Like "U"Happy Friendship Day..
I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
To love without condition,to talk without intention,to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of true relation.Happy FRIENDSHIPS Day.
Keeping FRIEND is as difficult as losing one,U sacrifice a lot to keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u…But in my HEART..I swear I'm keeping U..happy friendship day
Sare gawaho ko madde najar rakhate hueINDIAN FRIENDSHIP COURT,DHARA 5/07 K tehat ye Adalat apko sachha DOST manke umar bhar dosti nibhane ka hukm deti hai.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Some things can b left undone, Som words can b left unsaid, Some feelings can b left unexpressed but someone like u can never b left unremembered!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY