i dont have 2

i dont have 2
i dont have 2 speak loud`juz 2 say wat i want 2 tel u,`a soft whisper of ``"i miss U"``is enough``coz its not my mouth`dat really speaks...```it's my HeaRT!

Jan, 19 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     825 views       Love

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I searched through books, and I leafed through cards, For words that would convey, what I had in my heart, But when I sat down to write all I can write was…. I can’t live without you!!!
A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever…
Trying to foget sumone U love is lyk trying to remember sumone U never met"..Real loss occurs only wen U lose sumone U love more than Urself..::..::
A bird prposed white rose.Ros said wen i'turn red,i'll luv u.D bird cuts his body n poured blood on roseNw rose luvs d bird,bt bird's no more.THAT LOVE
Care n affection is not a business where u give when u get.. It is a beautiful feeling for someone where u love to give even if u dont get.
It takes a strong heart to love. It takes a stronger heart to continue to love after it has been hurt..
I think maybe forever is what you make of it. Tomorrow may be the end of your forever. I think we should be more careful how we use it.
She's da one who broke my heart... She's da reason why my world fell apart.... She's da one who makes me cry..... Yet I still luv her....n I don't no why
i luv you`til the day i die,`i luv you`til i break down and cry.`i love you`and i'll make you see`that noone will ever love you```more than ME.
When d situation gets u dwn, remembr there's some1 in heaven who loves u & watches over u.& there is someone on earth who cares 4 u. I DO!
People said tha any thing multiplied by zero,it becomes zero.......then why doesnt the same happen when i multiply zero with d distance betwn u n me
If a lover is like a Moon then frnds r like stars. Hav u noticed that the sky can look beautiful without moon, but not without stars.: Tke care my STAR!