there was an headcount

there was an headcount
there was an headcount of angels in heaven, pandemonium strucked discoverin dat an angel is missing, pls call heaven & tell dem ur safe wit me,my sweet angel

Jan, 18 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     806 views       Love

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Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u'll always remain. Earth wants water, flower wants dew, I want nothing but a smile from u.
Do you often wonder if sum1 is thinking of u? do u often wonder if sum1 out there misses u? do u often wonder if sum1 loves u? well, stop wondering coz i do!
C.L.I.C.K. means : C= cant live without u L= love u I= i miss u C= care about u K= kiss from my heart 2 u So whenever u miss me just say CLICK.
I love u, I love but u With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old.
I searched through books, and I leafed through cards, For words that would convey, what I had in my heart, But when I sat down to write all I can write was…. I can’t live without you!!!
We cannot be together, But we'll never be apart, For no matter what life brings us, You’re always in my heart
You’re eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There’s one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!!
Beautiful quote about "No one in this world is without love; Only there can be people without proposing that love.."
i wndr y d strs stl shyn evn f im sad.``i wndr y d birds stl fly evn f i cry.``i wndr y d sun stl smyls evn f im blu.``myb bcz d wrld's telin me i stl hv u.
Love is 4 Life Life isn't 4 Love.Love may fail in Life.Life should nvr fail in Love.So dont spoil Life in love bt dont 4gt to Love in Life..
Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance.. and you find out.. you still care for the person...!!
my eyez reacted, my mind was attracted, my heart was affected, thousands were rejected, but u alone was selected!!