Nvr ask 4a kiss,jus take it. Nvr ask do u Luv me,say i Luv u. Nvr say i cant liv w/out u,say i liv 4u. NOW GO FLIRT,U've been traind by d xpert. Make me proud.
a boy ws aBout 2 leave, bt b4 he did, he gave his Girl a dozen roses. 11 r real & 1 s artificial & he told d Girl,"dnt cry, i wil love u until d last 1 dies.."
I m a paper, you can write ur feeling, Scribble ur anger, Use me 2 absorb ur tears, Dont throw me after use, But When u feel cold I wil burn myself to warm you
It takes a day to crush on someone,A week to understand someone,a month to like someone,a year to love someone,But it takes a lifetime to forget someone...