3 Things in Life once gone will never come back TIME, WORDS & OPPORTUNITY. 3 Things in Life should never be Lost HOPE, LOVE & Come on, how can u 4get ME
a boy ws aBout 2 leave, bt b4 he did, he gave his Girl a dozen roses. 11 r real & 1 s artificial & he told d Girl,"dnt cry, i wil love u until d last 1 dies.."
its wrong 4 me 2 say dat i cnt liv w/o u coz i hav livd my lyf b4 i knew u.so instd of syin dat,id rder tel u dis... "i wud liv a betTr lyf..w/u by my side!"
Smtimes wrds r nt comfortable to express our feelings.But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.Tat s d language of d hearts.