One who wins

One who wins
One who wins in luv, wins d life.But, one who fails in luv, can win d world

Jan, 18 2012     75 chars (1 sms)     747 views       Love

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Love not one, Love not two Love the one who loves u true, Love not three, Love not four Love the one who loves u more, Love not five, Love not six Love the one who really sticks, Love not seven, Love not eight Love the one who really waits
sea full of water, sky full of star's tree full of leaf's garden full of flower's But I think my heart full of you
We say we love flowers,yet we pluck them.We say we love trees,yet we cut them.&we still wonder why some are afraid when they are told they are loved!
when all the season will be dry, when all the bird leave the sky, when all friends say u good bye, U will found me there to say hi…
Your so beautiful, so easy to love, A fallen angel from heaven above, An ocean of perfection, a cage and a lure, A magnificent creature, untainted and pure.
A love, that is forbidden shared by two A love, so great and true A love, bounded by trust and fate A love, that I once knew.
t's a luvly feeling 2 stand on d top of a hill & feel on ur face d touch of d cool soft wind, he same is d feeling wenevr I hear ur voice & c ur smyl.
Love the phoenix cannot be trapped nor in heaven or earth can it be named;no one has yet discovered its address:its desert holds not a single footprint
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Nevr frown, even when u r sad Bcoz u nevr know who is fallin in love with ur smile.
During maths I was thinking of you but I cannot calculate how much I love you!!
Never get DiscouragedBecause nothing great is Achievedwithout Patience & HopeRemember"It is often the Last Key in the Bunchthat Opens!
In life we meet a lot of people, but make friendship with few, some touches our life in such way that there presense is felt in there absense too..