U may be out

U may be out
U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!!

Jan, 18 2012     159 chars (1 sms)     778 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

I’m sorry to be smiling every time you’re near. I’m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here. I’m sorry that cupid has made his hit. I’m sorry i love you, I can’t help it.
Wn it cms 2 luv, its hard 2 know f u hve d ryt 1. Many lovers weep, and left n sorrow.y?Bcoz WoRDS cant iMMoRTaLiZe emotions.
Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit
Love means to see someone with closed eyez, to miss some1 in crowd, 2 find some1 in every thought, to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is only one
Life's most deepest feelings are often expressed in silence And the one who can read volumes 4m ur silence is ur dearest person!Take care.
Don't regret what you've did, but regret what you never did, go and say 'I LOVE U' to your loved one!
Love hurts when you break up with some one. Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you But love hurts the most when the person, you love has no idea how you feel…
If love were to be taxed, I would be the highest tax payer, you can't buy Love... but you can pay heavily.
Love under the stars... they seem very far, but you are so close the star I love the most.
a hug can say il mis u.`it can say ur special,`or bst of all,`i luv u.`it can soothe a hurt,`or calm a fear,`or cheer us`wen were blue.`So heres a hug for u.
I think you are very careless! U come & leave things behind! See now what u have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
I believe that God above created you for me to love. He picked you out from all the rest cause He knew Id love you the best!