Love is the best

Love is the best
Love is the best and most beautiful thing in the world, cannot be seen or even touched..they must be felt with the Heart…

Jan, 18 2012     121 chars (1 sms)     807 views       Love

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Real tears of love are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face..But those that fall from the Heart and cover the soul..
Sumtyms luv is ironic`its hard 2 find`bt easy to lose`makes u feel good`but hurts u so bad`opens ur eyes`bt makes u blind`fills up ur heart`then tears it apart
2 love sum1 s not a big deal,any layman could do it,but 2 get back the love or 2 be loved by the person u loved,s not easy,u got 2 b lucky n need god's grace
A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I'm missing you.
Some 1 r bers, somebody cares, ur name is whispered in somebodys prayers, keep d bright hope of sunshine in view, some 1 is always thinkin of u,
When two people love each other, they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction. Believe it or not.
Loving u is not just having a cup of coffee. It still takes me time to add in sugar and milk to make it sweeter and pure...
not ol d tym i can go wid u. not ol d tym i can plis u. not al d tym im available 4 u 2 tok 2. but 1 thing is 4 sure, i"l care 4 u even wen u least expect me 2."
Luving has 2 phases. 1st Luving the person bcoz of who he/she is, 2nd Loving the person despite who he/she is not, the 1st sparks luV, the 2nd maks it Last.
If i reach 4 ur hand Wil u hold it? If i hold out my arms Wil u hug me? If i go 4 ur lips Wil u kiss me? If i capture ur heart Wil u Luv me?
you never truly love a person unless the mere thought of you hurting your loved one is enough to break your own heart
WoRdS CaNnOt ExPreSs ThE wAy I FeeL AbT U, ThE WaY I CaN’t ExpLaiN WhY ThE SkY Is bLuE BuT ThEn I KnoW mY HeArT Is TrUe WhEn I SaY I LoVe YoU.