You are a part of my life in so many ways And you I will love for the rest of my days Time can’t change the way I feel,For I love you now And I always will,
Don't search love, let love find u. Thats why its called falling in love, b"coz u dont force urself to fall, u just fall and there will be someone to catch u...
Whenever you feel blue, I will be there for you, Whenever you are sad, I will stay by your side, Whenever you need someone to love.. I will always be there for you to have
TherS aLways a reaSon`why we hav 2 muv on`2 say gUdbye`2 d fiLingS`we wantd2 stay 4eveR.`4 LuV has 2 set`its own winGs fRee`2 finD d ryt place`where it shud be