If you are in

If you are in
If you are in a closed dark room,where blood is coming from everywhere and walls are shaking,Don"t get afraid you are in safe place,You are in my Heart.... "

Jan, 19 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     860 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Love is born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation!
luv is lyk pillow wen u r tired u sleep on it wen u r sad u drop tear on it wen u r angry u fight it wen u r happy u hug it & i m ur luv
Smokers have smoking heart, Drinkers have an alcoholoic heart. I request you Plz don't eat sugar coz u aready have a Sweet Heart
Two Tear Drops TalkiNg!I'm d Teardrop Of A Guy Who Loved N Never Xpressed!& U?I'm The Teardrop Of The Girl Who Was WaitiNg For Him!
Devote time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth. Devote time for friends; it’s the path to happiness. Devote time to luv n b loved; it's the source of pleasure.
Smtimes wrds r nt comfortable to express our feelings.But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.Tat s d language of d hearts.
Trees Are Tall, Branches Are Small, But My Love For You, Is Greatest Than All
Men love because they are afraid of themselves, afraid of the loneliness that lives in them, and need someone in whom they can lose themselves as smoke loses itself in the sky.
I love the way you make me happy, and the ways you show your care. I love the way you say, 'I Love You,' and the way you're always there.
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don't care, and you may think that I'm not thinking of you. Well, you're wrong. You're still in my dreams.
sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1
Don't love me for fun, love me for a reason .. let the reason be love.