I can't make

I can't make
I can't make someone love me, All i can do is be someone who can be loved,the rest is up to the person to realize my Worth'.

Jan, 18 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     781 views       Love

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if i could have the chance, i'll ask you to dance or take you on a trip to france, but all i can is set myself in a trance where i can be with you in a glance.
SavE a spacE FOr ME in Ur HEART & not in Ur Mind. The mindeasily forgEts, But the hEart ALWAYS REMEMBERS. Like now, i remEmbEr U & that"s from MY HEART.
Poem Written by A boy Who lost his pArents by TsunAmi.."SeA! I will never Forgive u Anymore Even if ur wAves Touch my Feet Million Times"
2 love sum1 s not a big deal,any layman could do it,but 2 get back the love or 2 be loved by the person u loved,s not easy,u got 2 b lucky n need god's grace
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you,Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion,That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I cant control,So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
2TeAr Drop wer Flowing down d River1sAid 2d othr,I'm d teAr drop of Guy who Lovd & nvr ExprsdWho r u?Im d teAr drop of d gAl who wAs Wi8n 4him...
There was a blind boy who was hated by every one except his girlfriend. He always used to say that I'll marry you if I could see. Suddenly one day somebody donated him eyes & then when he saw his girlfriend, he got astonished to see that his girlfriend was also blind ! His girlfriend asked him WILL YOU MARRY ME NOW ? He simply refused. His girlfriend went away saying JUST TAKE CARE OF MY EYES PLEASE!!
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…
To live this life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness and to have happiness I need you!
If I had the chance to know a secret, I wish to know all the things that give you happiness "coz there"s no other meaningful gift in this world than to see you happy..""
See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.
Three words made my heart beat faster!Three words made my legs shake!Three words made my head spin!Three words..I LOVE U