1 st year

1 st year
1 st year - ur friendship was like a 'well' 2 year-its lik 'river' 3year its lik 'sea' 4th- like a ocean Now Its like.... Tsunami. . HELP! HELP!

Jan, 13 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     897 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

'Flower' means "nice"'nice' means "Soft"'Soft' means"Desire"'Desire' means"LoVe"'Love' means"Friend"'Friend' means"YOU"'Take care' my 'friend
"SpecL frns" r reaLy reaLy hard2find..Specly thos ho r "cute"&"pure in hrt",Its So hard!So my advis4U is...Nvr Let me go..
Though my words are few; my heart is true. Friends I can make new, but none are as sweet as you
If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man
The worst part of life is missing a friend ! And you know what is The best part of life-it is having a friend worth missing!
A bit of ur smile is my happinss!A drop of ur tear is my sorrow!A part of ur heart is my life!A hear like mine wil alwys care 4 a frnd.
Friendship is big like UNIVERS,Deep like OCEAN,High like SKY,Strong like ROCK,Kind like MOTHER,Cute like ME and sweet like U....
One day LOVE asked FRIENDSHIP y r u in the world when i'm here?FRIENDSHIP smiled n said "TO SPREAD SMILES WHERE U LEAVE TEARS."
Good frenz are like quilts... it never loses its warmth...
Ur words r ANTIBIOTICS, Ur smile is ANALGESIC, Ur touch is ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, Ur presence is ANTISEPTIC, Ur SMS is ANTI-PYRETIC.. that's why I never fall ill:
When god made parts, he thought of hearts. And for each heart a sweetheart. And among those sweethearts he made 1 sweetest heart, And That's Ur's.
Mind told to heart why r u sending msg to that person who is not responding to u? Then heart told to mind u need msg but i need that person....