God doesnt play dice with the universe,Everything happens for a cause.... When u became my friend it wasnt an accident,He wanted me to get the best....
Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.
Set a place for me in ur heart & not in ur cel. Bcoz the cell's memory can be easily erased but the heart of a good friend saves forever & remember always..
Ur words r ANTIBIOTICS, Ur smile is ANALGESIC, Ur touch is ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, Ur presence is ANTISEPTIC, Ur SMS is ANTI-PYRETIC.. that's why I never fall ill:
Friendship sometimes stops in the middle to ask what it has gained and what it has lost,then it realises that it has gained life's joys and lost life's sorrows