When i'm walking in front of u,I'm protecting u. When i'm beside u i'm there for u, when i'm behind u, I'm watching over u. When i'm alone,I'm thinking of u.
Feeling of love + moments of caring + choti-choti sharing + stupid fights + shouldrs 2 cry + 2 b together in pain Creates a miracle called "FrIeNdShIp".
d word "honcho" cums 4m a Japanese word meaning "squad leader" & first came into usage in the English language during d American occupation of Japan following WW II
A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad.
As I watched ants crawled up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other, hope we will be like them, be in touch always...