Friendship is needless

Friendship is needless
Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

Jan, 13 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     805 views       Friendship

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My friend shud be my medicine when I am in pain. My letter when I am far, my smile when I am sad, my handkerchief when I cry, my life when I die.
Everyone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say... Best friends listen to what you don't say…
FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. "Few Relations in Earth Never Die." Want 2 know what is it ? Read again.. (F)few (R)relations (I)in (E)earth (N)never (D)die
One Rose Xclusivly 4 a nice person like u frm an ever nice person like me. Keep d Rose until it dry, keep my Frndship until i die.
Love is post paid 1 month u dont pay, conection will be cutoff. But f2ship is life time prepaid u pay or not,incoming is free
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.... if u try to close your eyes, friendship turns into a drop of tear & remains in your heart forever....
FRIENDSHIP->A special smile,a special face,a spl sm1 i cnt replace.a special thanx 4m me to u, for d special frndshp i found in U..
YeAh we're tight, And yeAh we fight,But through All of it, there's one thing,ThAt will never chAnge, we'll be friends forever
Friendship is a relation, where no charges of activation, free incoming, Free outgoing, with roaming facility all over the world.....!!
Be what u r, say what u feel and do what u want. Bcoz in frndship, Those who mind,don't matter and Those who matter,don't mind.
A smile makes us look younger… while prayers make us feel stronger… and friends…? They make us enjoy life forever.
My heart condition has become so critical that doctors have given me only two options.... I.C.U or U C ME