I chased love

I chased love
I chased love i found friendship,i chased desires i found hopes, i chased reality i found dreams,i chased a monkey and i found you.

Jan, 13 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     856 views       Friendship

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1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
FRIENDS r the BEST part of our LIVES….And the BEST VITAMIN for making FRIENDS is VITAMIN B1…THANKS for “B”eing”1?
My hands never pain when typing message for you..!! But my heart always pain when there is no reply from you..!!
Life is short forget me not, make ur future bright and kep our friendship tight.
doston ko bhoolun namumkin si baat hai, doston ko na ho yekin ye aur baat hai, jab tek rehegi saans teb tek rehoge yaad, ye saans toot jaye to aur baat hai.
HI CUTY!!! The seven magical colors of Joy, affection, Sorrow, Love, Care, Trust & Helping combines to form a colorful rainbow known as.....FrIeNdShIp...
you know what? I like u!! you know why?becoz u r d'best,you know why? in ur own simple ways ,u make me feel special u know when? since the day we became =f=r=n=d=s=
Good friend hard to find harder to leave impossible to forget
I believe dat God created me 2 b ur friend. He picked me out from al d rest b'coz he knows 'I am d BEST' Now dont argue wid God
Tears of eyes are valuable speech of lips are powerful heart with love is beautiful life with friends is most wonderful..
Respect those friends who find TIME for U in their TIME TABLE... But love those person who dont consult TIME TABLE when U need them…
Door of memories will never close,How much v miss our frnds no one knows, Days will pass like years,And we'll remember the memories in silent tears…