The one who

The one who
The one who takes your hand but touches your heart is a true Friend

Jan, 13 2012     67 chars (1 sms)     799 views       Friendship

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kisi ko apni khubio ka ahsas nahi hota,app jaise dosto ka milna itfaq nahi hota,kucha acha kiya hoga humne ,varna aap sath the hume viswas nahi hota
Frendship is not about finding d right person,but creating d right relationship.It's not how much v care in d beginning,but how much v care til end
Friendship requires Real effort..even when one of them is Busy with their own lives..A simple Sms reminds each other that u r Not Forgotten.
If time Slips away Witout a sms 4m my side, U dont have 2 worry About our Frendship coz feelings Beyond words Will always Keep me R O A you U D N.
FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between 2 hearts sharing 7 feelings of love,truth,happiness,sadness,help,secrets & most importent thing RESPECT.. "Few Relations in Earth Never Die." Want 2 know what is it ? Read again.. (F)few (R)relations (I)in (E)earth (N)never (D)die
To Xpress ur love U need feelings To Xplain feelings U need heart To Xpose ur heart U need a friend To Xclaim as a friend. 'Iam there always.
Last night I dreamt that I was walking with God n I told him that I've a friend like u. He smiled n said: Beta, sab pichle janam k paap hain.
A rupee is easy2 ern A frnd is hard2 find A rupee losses its value A frnd increase its worth I LOST A RUPEE when i sms u,bt who cares i gotU
Love is like a fire. Whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn your house down, you’ll never know
A flowers without freshness A butterfly without Colors Sky without stars at night All r so incomplete N unreal Just as my gud times N our Friendship Is Incomplete Without u
Heart never hate blood. Fish never hate water. Flower never hate honey. Earth never hate rain. My heart never hate U & U FRIENDSHIP!
A stone dropped in water in a moment its gone. But there will be a 1000 ripples circling on and on. 2 day I am here, 2 morrow I am gone but there will be a 10000 memories echoing on and on.