When u love ur

When u love ur
When u love ur parents its equal to god,wen u love ur friends its equal to truthfulness,butwen u love urself its equal to confidence..!GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     907 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

" Life is like a flowing river of opportunities "Its upto you to stand up with a bucket or spoon.Good Morning.
"If you focus on results you will never change if you focus on change you will get results."Have a Great Day
Express urslf such dat ur enemies too remembr u. Laugh such tht ur sadnes too laughs vit u. Live ur life such dat GOD too feels proud of U.GD MRNG
"Showing the feeling outside is not the real feelingBut Real feeling is the feeling which we keep inside in our Heart".Gud Morning
Live wit no excuse n love wit no regrets. When life gives u a hundered reasons 2 cry, show life that u have million reasons 2 smile…GD MRNG
Brilliant quote- A good example has twice the value than that of good advice…. So always try to set an example rather than giving advice.GM
Lord, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, help me remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments and Your plans for my life is always better than my dreams.
Happiness keeps u sweet, Trials make u strong. Sorrows keeps u human, Faith keeps u humble. Success keeps u growing, God keeps u going.."Good evng"
EYES-expres d real feelin betr thn words! TOUCH-shows d care than any words do, but WORDS-when used proprly can catch d EYES n TOUCH d HEART.Gd mrng
Receive my simple gift of Good Morning wrapped with sincerity,Tied with care & Sealed with a prayer to keep u safe whole day!GOOD MORNING…
Apologising does nt mean tht u r wrong n d other is right.It only means tht u value relationship much more than personal ego. Gud morning
Take but GIVE more. Hate but LOVE more. Order but AGREE more. Talk but LISTEN more. Forget but FORGIVE more & IT Will Come Back to U.Gd mg