understand hw beautifully

understand hw beautifully
understand hw beautifully god keeps adding one more day AT a tym in ur lyf. Not coz u need it.. Bt coz sum1 else needs u everyday!!GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     861 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Keep the smile. Leave the tear. FeeL the joy. Forget the fear. Hold the laugh. Leave the pain. Be Happy forever..Gud Morng
LIFE Is Not A REHEARSALEach Day Is A New Show,No Repeat, No RewindSo Give UR Best Shot In All UR Worthy Acts As The Show Goes On & On.G'mrng
Give each other space & time alone. Everyone needs this type of space, without explanation. And u don’t have to do everything together! Keep some activities just for urself.GM
"Hide your smile when people around you are sad..Hide your sadness when people around you are happy"Then Your life Always remains "RESPECTABLE".GM
"You know you love someone, when all you want for that person is happiness, even if you are not a part of it.."Have A Lovely Day.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.Incidents happened cannot be erased,So make each movement careful, memorable & positive....
Best Friends r like beautiful street lamps...They may not make the distance shorter,but they light up your path & make the journey easier..Good morning..
The 'Result of anger' is more painful than the 'Reason of anger' ,So think once before getting angry because 'of someone' and 'on someone'Gm
Silence in lips may avoid many problems and smile in lips may solve many problems. So always have a silent smile...
Always be the reason of someone’s happiness never just a part of it. be a part of someone’s sadness never the reason for it.
Appreciate life itself even if it's not a bed of roses. Contentment is not fulfillment of what u wish 4 but appreciation of what u have. Gud morning.
Morning does not mean that you have to get up and work again. Mornin is God’s way of saying that He loves you so much He wants you to be live another beautiful day. GUD MORNING