Kill the STRESS

Kill the STRESS
Kill the STRESS before it Kills u. Reach the GOAL before it kicks u. Help evryone before somone helps u. Live the LIFE before Life leaves mrng

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     939 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Don't keep ur dreams in ur eyes, they may fall as tears. keep them in ur heart so dat every heart beat may remind u abt that dream". Good morning
I have known the pain of failure, frutration , disappointment, defeat! Because I have taken a chane on Winning, Succeeding, Achieving! It takes a lot of the the first to get some of the second."HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD!!
Life is like a chess game. There should not be any move without valid reason. Once U moved to a wrong position, it's very difficult 2 set back.
Wen KIDS learn to walk,they keep falling;but to them its not learning. so there's nothing called failure. everything is lesson. G.M.
EYES-expres d real feelin betr thn words! TOUCH-shows d care than any words do, but WORDS-when used proprly can catch d EYES n TOUCH d HEART.Gd mrng
In our Lfe Hapinss is mre imprtnt thn Smile.B'coz Smile cmes frm d Lips,but Happiness comes from the Heart. So I wish u 2 b Happy Always.!GM
To achieve the marvellous , It is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought ....Gud MRNG
When time comes 4 u to give ur hearts to someone, make sure u select someone who wil nevr breaks ur heart, bcoz broken hearts has never spare parts…Gd MRNG
24hrs make a lovely day, 7 days make a lovely week, 52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a person like me will make ur life lovely. Have a lovely day n life
Best thought 2 be remembered - "Work for a Cause and not for Applause " & "Live to Express urself and not to Impress some one else...!!"Good morning.
When u r in light,evrything wil follow u.But when u enter dark,even ur own shadow wil nt follow u.Thats life:G'mrng
Evry succesful person hs a painful story.Evry painful story hs a Succesful ending.So Accept d pain, & get ready 4 Success.gud mrng