Don’t aim to

Don’t aim to
Don’t aim to b a slave in heaven,Atleast aim to b a king of hell.-Alwys think different whch is better.GM

Jan, 17 2012     105 chars (1 sms)     903 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

V Never Have What V Like, V Never Like What V Have, Still V Live,Luv N Hope That Sum Day Vll Get What V Luv, OR Luv What V Have. Thats LIFE .gd mrng
Do U Know Y Car's Front Glass Is Large & D Rear View Mirror Is Small?Bcz Future Is more Imprtnt Than Past,Look Ahead Wid Bigger View & MoveOn.GM
As d sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love and happiness to make ur day a meaningful one.GM
If u wanna know how rich u r,don't count the money u hv.Just drop a"tear"from ur eye& count the no of hands that reach out to wipe ur tear! Good day.
Pearl of thought: Relationship is not a business where u give wen u get,it is a beautiful feel for some1 where u love to give even if u don’t get.GM
Close your eyes, Take a deep breath, Open your arms wide, Feel your heart beat n say Its too early. Let me sleep again.GooD MorninG !
So simple it is to Live. So simple it is to Love.So simple it is to Smile.So simple it is to win. But it's too difficult to be so simple.G'Mrng!
May victory be a habit,inspiration a state of mind and wealth a consequence. Let happiness be a constant companion ! Good Morning.Good day.
Lyf Has No Pause Button Dreams Have No Expiry Date Time Takes No Holiday Live Lyf Based On These Principles Think Well Live Simple & B Happy.GM
The Pessimist sees the glass half empty… The optimist sees it half full… And the realist JUST ADDS WHISK good morning.
Sumtimes v think-why frnz keep frwrding msgs 2 us without speking words D reson is dat,u hv got nothing big 2 say,but still want 2 stay in touch...!!GM
Missed calls Reachs the Mobile.Recivd Call Reaches the Ears.But my msg Reaches Ur Beautiful Eyes & Loveable Heartz.So!I Always Like 2 Send MSGs.GD MRNG