Therere is no special

Therere is no special
There is no special occasion today, no reason to text, no news to share, and no problems to air. It's just one of those times I wish to say I REMEMBERED U!good day

Jan, 16 2012     163 chars (2 sms)     874 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Be patient when God does not give you what you want. He knows the best time for you to have it. Just remember that you can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.
We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us but what we forget is that, paths are made by walking, not by mrng
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
In Life, we have a Lot to Lose & very Little 2 Choose.. Whenver u get a Chance to Choose, do it Wisely & see that u Never Lose what u Choose !!G'Mrng.
the happiness of life is made up of minute fractions ~ a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt complaint, or the little, unforgettable moments of fun.GD MRNG
If you desire to ‘blossom’ like a rose in the garden, you’ll first have to learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. good day!
In d buk called life,d page yesterdy is ovr,d page future is blank &page 2dy is being written.So write d best u can,coz on dis buk ur eraser jst won't wrk!gd mrng
Obstacles are put in our way to see if we really want somethingOr we just thought we did." Good Morning
Never Get Tired ofTrying forSomething which UReally Want toAcheive, Be Strong& Steady In UrWay Door OfSUCCESS Will OpenFOR U.G'Mrng
Life is like a piano! White keys are happy moments & Black keys are sad moments! But both keys r played togethr to give sweet music!GMRNG
GOD is like a software. He 'enters' ur life, 'scans' ur problems,'edits' ur tension, 'downloads' solutions, 'deletes' ur worries & 'saves'u!GD MRNG
Har nayi subah ka naya nazara,Thandihawa le ayi paigam hamara..Jago utho taiyar ho jao, khushiyon sebhara rahe Aaj ka din Tumhara.Good Morning!