Everyone thinks of

Everyone thinks of
Everyone thinks of changing the world,But no 1 thinks of changing themself,Everybody wants to go to heaven but no body wants to die..

Jan, 16 2012     133 chars (1 sms)     1049 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"A person who laughs more and make others laugh would be having a thunder storm sadness beneath his heart"-Gud Morning
Its Possibl bt its Difficult" Th Winner says "Its Difficult bt its Possibl" Alwys Think lik Winner. Its d spirit.GM
If u had 2 pick some1 from whome u luv & 1 who luvs U, Pick the 1 who luvs u because u can learn 2 luv some1, but can’t teach any1 2luv u back!Good Morning.
"Hide your smile when people around you are sad..Hide your sadness when people around you are happy"Then Your life Always remains "RESPECTABLE".GM
People r made 2 be Loved & Things r made 2 be Used"The confusion in the World is"People r being Used &Things r being Loved"'Crazy world'.GM
Happiness keeps u sweet, Trials make u strong. Sorrows keeps u human, Faith keeps u humble. Success keeps u growing, God keeps u going.."Good evng"
A cup of hot hello's, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success, hope this snacks makes ur day lovely colorful morng,
People Laugh at Me because They think I m Different.. And I Laugh on Them Because They all r Same...Thats Attitute...Its Ur Life....Live it.........gd mrng
Here's 2day's weather forecast. There shall be SHOWERS of BLESSINGS all over u & a HEAVY downpour of GOD's Favour all around u. GOOD MORNING
Never let dreams die, for if you do, life will only be a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, andas long as there is hope, there is joy in living.'**** GOOD MORNING
"Delay" is the enemy of efficiency,"Waiting" is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don't delay anything&Don't wait for anything.gd mrng
A Wellwisher is nvr measured by the no. of times he made you laugh..Bt By d no. f times he made u smile aftr u cried...!