A Child laughs abt

A Child laughs abt
A Child laughs abt 400 times a day But Man laughs only 15 times a day,B a child by mind.Forget ur worries & b happy-GuD Morning

Jan, 16 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     1285 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
When god takes away something from ur hand don't think he is punishing u,He is just leaving u empty handed to recieve something better.gd mrng
Between a thousand yesterdays & a million tomorrows there is only one " TODAY " so don't let it go to waste.Have a beautiful day..... Good morning.
Be in TodayBelieve in TodayBehave in TodayBe alive in TodayBcozYesterday died for Today&Tomorrow takes birth from TodayGood Day
Evry sunset give us 1 day less 2 live,bt evry sunrise give us,1 day more 2 hope!So,get up & hope 4 the best.Gud Day & Gud Luck
Prblm is jus d distance b/w expextd n reality, So eithr expect less or accept d reality, n d prblm is no more…..gd mrng
Education Gives Quality Of Life..Money Givs Quality Of Respect..Sangathi Givs Quality Of Love..But,Friendship Givs Quality Of Heart.G/M
Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them will happen the same way again
Progress has little to do with the speed,Butmuch todo withdirection.So alwaysconcentrateon your direction,Not on the speed.G'Mrng!
Hav anIcy mornin wid Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls,Creamy Thoughts,Fruity funs wid Plumpy Play nJumpy Joys..Hav a yummy day..
"SEVEN"is great number.Bcoz seven colrs make "RAINBOW"Seven swara makes"MUSIC"Seven day make a "WEEK"&seven spellings make"FRIENDS".GD MRNG
To be kind is more important than to be right. Often people need a patient heart that listens. No a brilliant mind that speaks.GD MRNG