There r no secrets

There r no secrets
There r no secrets to success.It is the result of preparation, hard work n learning frm failure.-He, who moves not forward, goes backward. a cool mrng

Jan, 16 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     984 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Persistence will make you win “Good Luck” whatever you may be hoping for and aspiring to be in life. May your patience and belief is mrng
Morning is God’s way of saying ‘1 more time .. Go, live life make a difference touch ones heart, encourage 1’s mind inspire 1’s soul & enjoy d day…’ 1 more time.!
If U want to enjoy,alwys think today is the 1st day,But if U wnt to achieve sumthing alwys think today is the last day....Good m'ing
Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment, everything is a surprise n every surprise brings happiness. morning
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
A Nice Thought- "when we have the heart to forget those who made us smile, why can't we have the heart to forgive someone, who made usCRY.GM
When asked what 4giveness is, a little girl gave this lovely answer: " it is the sweet scent that a flower gives when it is being crushed" Good Morning...
A Smile Costs Less Than Electricity,ButGives More Light.So Always SmileandProve dat U r the Best Tube Light…GD MRNG
try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee, so here u go, some Goodmorning flowers right to you from meeeeeee.
Smile increases value of face, Anger spoils beauty of soul, Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success, So keep mrng
Most luvable line:It brks ur hrt 2 c d 1 u luv Is happy wid sum1 else,bt its more painful 2 knw tht d 1 u luv is unhappy wid u.gud mrng.
Life teaches U to smile..but it also teaches U to cry.. It may be ironical but it is reality. You cannot know d value of Smile until U mrng