Life is not a written

Life is not a written
Life is not a written book. You can pick up & read It is journal waiting for you to fill its pages.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     106 chars (1 sms)     868 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Obstacles are put in our way to see if we really want somethingOr we just thought we did." Good Morning
"World is not A pArking plAce"It is A RAcing trAck..Yuv Just Keep on moving..No mAtter When & Where to stArt but reAch ur GoAl & MAke a New Record!GM
Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
Arguments throw Heat on the Subject.While Discusions throw Light.Arguments show who is right.While Discussions show what is right.G'Mrng
Morning greetings does not only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying- I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!Gud mrng
"Never conclude a person with his present position, b'coz TIME has the power to change a invaluable coal into a valuable diamond".GD MRNG
Yesterday is history tomorrow is a is a gift that is why we call it the present!gd mrng
Being happy doesn't mean everything's ok. It only means you've decided to see things beyond life's imperfections! Whatever happens, stay happy and enjoy what life brings!
Hardwork is like staircase & luck is like a lift. Lift may fail sometimes but whatever may be the situation, stairs will always get u 2 the top….GM
Dont run ahead of God,Let Him direct ur steps.He has plans & He has time.God's clock is never early nor late.It alwys strikes on time.G'Mrng
Sometime words are not comfortable to express our feelings. But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.....!!!Gudmorning
God is 2 wise that he created friends without "Price Tags" B'coz if he did, i can't afford such expensive friend like "U" Take care. & hav gud dy