Freindship is"More

Freindship is"More
Freindship is"More clear than water""More pure than gold""More sweet than honey"So thanks for sharing Gods beautiful gift with me..GD'morG

Jan, 16 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     860 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wen life seems to be a journey thru a dark tunnel, just take me along... I dont promise 2 lead U to light, But I can assure U tht U are Not Alone..Good mornin
Befor v can lead,v must serve Befor v cn serve,v must prepreBefor v cn prepare,v must learn Befor v can learn,V must listen Befor v can listen,V must b silent.GM
GreAt Thought: "MAke ur Anger So Expensive thAt no one cAn Afford it & mAke ur HAppiness So cheAp thAt people Get it For Free From U..!GM
the real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the most tempting moment. . .GM
Make your life a rose that speaks silently the language of fragrance, bcoz it is only in the depth of silence that u can hear ur heart's voice….Good morning.
True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets its in the values we live and share as well as the person we keep in touch with & care gud morning
Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other! Gud mrng
If you MisS an OpportuniTy, do not Fillup ur eYes with TeaRs! KeeP yoUr visioN CLEAR, so thAt you will Not misS the neXt onE...!! G.m.
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
Life ends wen u stop dreaming, Hope ends wen u stop believing, Love ends wen u stop caring, Fndship ends wen u stop sharing.Good morning
Achievers never Expose themselves. But their Achievements Expose them. So lets do some SMARTWORK to become BEST in the FUTURE:GM
On the New Day, it is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to Prosperity. Have a nice day