Dont b afraid of

Dont b afraid of
Dont b afraid of d space betwn ur dreams & reality.If u can dream it u can make it so.G'Mrng!

Jan, 16 2012     93 chars (1 sms)     762 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

H__m is not complete without "u" and Lo__e without "v" So the equation is 4 Hum "u" are must and 4 Love "v" are must. Good morning Have a nice day
"Instead of thinking about what you're missing,Try to think aboutwhat you have that everyone else is missing.."Life will be happy…GM
Everybody says"Mistake Is The First Step Of Success"But It Is Not True."The Correction Of Mistake Is the First Step Of success...G'Mrng
A Wellwisher is nvr measured by the no. of times he made you laugh..Bt By d no. f times he made u smile aftr u cried...!
Wake up and open those teeny weeny eyes,stretch those inzy winzy bones,give that jolly winning smile & see its a beautiful day..Good Morning
Takdir k khel se Nirash nahi Hote,Jindgi me kabhi Udas nahi hote,Hatho ki lakiro Pe yakin mat Kar,Takdir to unki Bhi hoti he jinke Hath nhi hote.GD MRNG
We never have what we like, we never like what we have, still we live, love and hope that some day we will get what we love or love what we have. That"s Life...Good Morning"
"Some Flowers Grow Best in the Sun;Others do well in Shadow.God Knows What is Best For us & Puts us Where We Grow Best..GM
God allows life to be rocky, his intention is not to let the rocks grind you into dust but to polish you to become a brilliant gem........ stay mrng
Who help U, Don’t forget them! -Who like U, Don’t hate them! -Who has hope on U, Don’t leave them! -Who trust U, Don’t cheat them!GM
Wishing you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of success, 8760 hours of good health, 525600 minutes of good luck & 31536000 seconds of Joy mrng
Give each other space & time alone. Everyone needs this type of space, without explanation. And u don’t have to do everything together! Keep some activities just for urself.GM