The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning
A New Morning a New Sun A New Day A New Smile Says To You Forget All The Worries All The Sorrow For Someone Who Wants To See You Always Happy GoOd MoRnInG ..
Fact of life:They all laughed so I laughed,I cried but no 1cried wit me.dis is life.Try 2 Move Up In Life By wiping Ur eyes by Ur Own Hand.good morning
I'm a person easily overwhelmed by the wonders this world can give. But I would leave all these just to laugh my heart out over cups of coffee on lazy days like this with someone like you! Good morning!
When earthly help s no avail, there s 1 fren who wil never fail. Just lift ur eyes, d answer s there. For nobody knows d power of prayer. Have a worry free day.
Good Morng!!!..May God grant a Sunbeam 2 warm u.A Moonbeam 2 Charm u.An angel,so nothing can Harm U...And whenever U pray-Heaven 2 Hear u...Have a Wonderful Day.