Life is a collection

Life is a collection
Life is a collection of changes. So don't avoid changes. Take every change as a challenge. Some give success nd some act as stepping stone to success.Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     899 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Always ask GOD to give you what you deserve,Not what you desire.Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot…. Good Morning..
Always be the reason of someone’s happiness never just a part of it. be a part of someone’s sadness never the reason for it.
I like the people like you who like others like me and make the others like me to like others like you.. Think again.. Its worth understanding. good morning
Its like reaching 4 a star, u know u cant reach it, but u keep trying, coz...may be 1 day that star just might fall 4 you gud morning.
Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG'
Early this morning god gave me 3 baskets of fruits - love ,happiness peace of mind and told me 2 share them with peal dear 2 me. i’m sharing all with u…
Hav anIcy mornin wid Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls,Creamy Thoughts,Fruity funs wid Plumpy Play nJumpy Joys..Hav a yummy day..
Life is like math. Friends ko plus kro , dushman ko minus kro, khushion ko multiply kro, Gham ko divide kro, aur hamesha muskrao. Gd mrng
I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good a.m.
May I come into ur world?I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & love to keep u smiling..GM
sometimes ur luck is not with u,smtimes ur expectations r fail,just go and say to ur friend & pray to god he will make ur badluck in to gudluck.because god always loves mrng
U R a frend with a heart of much u mean 2 me can never be told..U R some1 so sweet n true.. 1 in a million n thats only YOU!Good morning.