Welcome aboard2

Welcome aboard2
Welcome aboard2 “Sweet Dreams” airline, all passengers on bed, hug ur pillows as the flight will be leaving soon 2dream land. Enjoy ur time .gd nite

Jan, 16 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     861 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Nobdy is right til sumbdy is wrong Nobdy is weak til sumbdy is strong Nobdy is lucky til luv comes along Nobdy is lonely til sumbdy is gone.gd nite
Here r 1000 Good Night KISSES 4U, take 1 now put d other 999 under UR pillow & whenever U need 1, feel free 2 take 1, just remember its from ME... Good Night.
'g'o 2 bed, 'o'f da light, 'o'ut of tension, 'd'reams cum, 'n'ice sleep, 'i'gnore worries, 'g'et up earlier, 'h'ave nice thought, 't'hank the god.
1 girl is disturbin me yaar!I dont know how she gotmy no.She doesnt even say her name But,whenever I call she says Sry,U hve low balance...Gud nite
ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe!
Stars are switched ON.Sun is switched OFF.Black sky is ON & Blue sky went OUT.So a Beautiful Niteis waiting for YOU.Good night...Sleep tight..
They say in boxing-To win,it does'nt matter how hard u punch.Wat actualy matters is how hard a punch u can take n continue fighting.Its d same wit LIFE!!:.GN
WASH UP Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Nite.
hi,i know u r sleeping now.so i dont wand to disterb u.but this “beeb beeb” is my sweet kiss.i wil give it againe.so keep in touch
Raat Ko Chupke Se Aati Hai 1 PARI,Kuch Khushiyon K Sapne Lati Hai Pari,Kehti Hai Sapno K Aagosh Me Kho jaao,Bhul K Saare Gum Chupke Se So Jaao !
Pearl of thought-True lov has got infinite layers. Just like onion.U may not able 2count it,but when u try to cut it,u ll hv tears in ur eyes.GD NIGHT
The night is silent but I can’t sleep. Maybe because I am waiting for my cell phone to beep. Before I dream, what I want is get your message and read.