Take care! The texts

Take care! The texts
Take care! The texts you send me night and day like jewels in my heart they stay…And so to God I always pray the best of blessings be yours…Each day & Night.

Jan, 16 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     924 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

I wish moon always be full & bright. And you always be cool & right. Whenever you go to switch off the light. Remember that I'm wishing you good night.
Sum people in life r a part of u & even when u let them go,u never lose them coz u find d memories of time spent together still living in u.!GN
Raat Ko Chupke Se Aati Hai 1 PARI,Kuch Khushiyon K Sapne Lati Hai Pari,Kehti Hai Sapno K Aagosh Me Kho jaao,Bhul K Saare Gum Chupke Se So Jaao...!Gudnit
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change…good night
Thought: All d water in d sea cant sink a ship unless it gets inside it. Similarly all d sadness in d world cant put u down unless u let it inside u...Gn
If we Truly Love SomeoNe, TheN The oNly ThiNg we WaNt For Them Is To Be Happy., EveN theN It'll Not be with us!Gud Nite
Success doesnt mean d absence of failures.It means d attainment of ultimate objective.it means winning d war,not every battle..Gud NITE
sum relations never demand personal presence, as its d confidence in d relation wch makes u aware tht wen needed,d person wud b next to ugud drmz swt nyt
The greatest gift u can give 2 sum1 is your time. bcoz when u give sum1 ur time. youre givin them a portion of life that u never get back. good night friend
The past is not in your hand The future is not in your hand But in present the Mobile is in your hand So please sms me... Good ni8..
"No one in the world can have a crystal clear heart. Becoz everyone's heart has some scratches scribbled by their dear ones with their love"gud nite
"Life itself cannot give you happiness unless you really wish for it. Life just gives you time and space. Its up to you to fill it" Gn