Wash your face and

Wash your face and
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now its time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak n mouth can’t speak So hope this night shall be nice and sweet. Sweet dreams & Good night.

Jan, 14 2012     174 chars (2 sms)     778 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Namaskar!!!! Ye Hamari Madhyaratri Seva Hai. Isme Hum aadhi raat ke baad logon ki neend kharab karte hai. Dhanyawaad. Ab so jaiye. Good Night.
When Sumbody's Heart Hurts.It Doesnt make Any Sound But d Reflection Can b Seen in d Eyes Of The Person. So Watch d Eyes They Silently Speak a lot....GN
1 stone is enough to break a glass. 1 sentence to break a heart.1 Second is enough to fall in love.1 gud frnd like you is enough to Spend the whole lif G/N
Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
Ab itni night ko apun tere ko,kisi film ki kahani sunane,k liye msg to karega nahin,Common sense ki baat hai k,tere ko GUD Night bolney ka hai!Chal ludak le..
As the day turns into night,keep your worries out of sight!No matter how tough the world may seem,you still deserve the sweetest of dreams.
I m sending 1000 smiles 2 u .take 1 now & keep the remaining 999 inside ur heart. pick out 1 everytime & think of me. b.coz i want 2 c u always smiling.. Good Nyt Frndz.Sweet Dremz.
The smiling moon,the silent night,the cool breeze....And all the shining stars are wishing you to close your eyes... Good night...Sweet dreams...
Dont ever 4get ur true old relationshp when new ones gets added.Becoz "A new broom may sweep clean,but the old brush knws all the corners"gud nite
Tiny starz shinin bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite.so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight im wishin u sweet dreams…
People who Love U get angry wid U . Its not that they Start to hate U , its simple , They don't want u to share Ur Love with others.Good nit
Luv makes u realize how wonderful the world is but its a friend who makes u realise how wonderful you are to the world..Gud NIGHT