Ur only mine wen I dream.wen I wake I wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my fone.do dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes I want u!gd nite
FreNz r 4-evER liKE E starS taT kePt blinkin In E sky. THoUgh we MighT b Far Apart.. BUt I noE taT u r Still Near 2 Me WhnEveR I look up… Gd nite N sleep TiTE
I CARE MOST I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite.......
Best feel in life:To be remembered by person whom u don’t expect to remember u..Worst feel in life:To be forgotten by the one u always Remember..Gud night