Tear of EYEs are

Tear of EYEs are
Tear of EYEs are Valuble,Speech of LIPs are Powerful, HEART with LOVE is Beautiful, LIFE with a FRIEND like YOU is more MEANINGFULL..Gud Nite...

Jan, 16 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     783 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Y do we close our eyes wen we sleep- wen we dream, wen we kiss?dis is becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.Wen I close my eyes I c u!
Don let little things get you down. You have got many big reasons to look up to God and say thanks tonight. Tomorrow, its going to be a great day.Good Night
Even a Big Pot Full Of Water Will Be Emptied By A Small Hole. Just a Little Anger or Ego Will Burn The Nobility of Good Heart..Gn..
Hold 10 roses in ur hand & stand opposite to the mirror! U will see 11 roses! The 11th beautiful Rose is YOU! Gud Nite
Everything is fair in Love & War..But think War is fair than Luv becoz in War either u win or die.... But in Love neither u live nor u die... Gud nite
A strong positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because life is 10% how u make it & 90% how u take it.gud NITE
WHAT is d difference between TALENT and INTELLIGENCE..Walking on a rope above Niagra falls is talent,and not trying such thing is intelligence. Gud nyte.
Master of puppets is pulling ur strings, twisting ur mind n smashing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can't c a thing when i count to 3 u shall fall asleep 1,2,3,Zzz
Reflected in this special and wonderful day is the promise of the g00d things to come..GuD NiTe
Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for thosewho bow themselves in front of hard work & confidence !Gud NITE
Take care! The texts you send me night and day like jewels in my heart they stay…And so to God I always pray the best of blessings be yours…Each day & Night.
Wash ur face& wash ur feet!Sleep time's hereby the hour's beat.Now ur vision is bleak& sweet dreams u seek,Hope this NighT's SLeeP is Good & Deep.