The greatest gift

The greatest gift
The greatest gift u can give 2 sum1 is your time. bcoz when u give sum1 ur time. youre givin them a portion of life that u never get back. good night friend

Feb, 14 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     905 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Sleepng is not taking rest for todys hardwork. It means gaining energy fr tomow So hv a Gud sleep 2 gain Gud energy,bcz tmro is waiting fr uGud 9t.
Laugh at ur mistaks but learn frm them.Joke over ur troubles but gather strength frm them.Have fun wth difficulties but overcome them!.GOOD NIGHT
Wen we do a task, we've to cross 3 stages..INSULT,OPPOSITION,ACCEPTANCE.Fools stop at 1st,Losers stop at 2nd, winers cross 3rd,So b WINNER always. Gn
KrAzZy bt true abt LuV hw pathetic humans r if v HATE Sum1 v tell it widout fear Or If v Luv sum1 v fear 2tell.GN NITE
Where Ever I Go ,You Are With Me .What Ever I Do,u Help Me.What Ever I Think,u Inspire Me.Where Ever ,What EverIn my Dreams...Gud Ni8
Most of the things we desire are expensive. but the truth is: the things that really satisfy us are free: love, joy, laughter & good relations. good night..
Life is some feelings of heart ! Which is to be shared with another heart!The feelings and sharings never ends!When they end the life will end..GD NIGHT
I was looking out d windws thinkng abt d person I Luv most & d persn that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u Gud n8.
i wish i was ur blanket,i wish i was ur bed, i wish i was ur pillow underneath ur head,i wanna b around u,i wanna hold u tight, & b thelucky person who kisses u goodnite
Tear of EYEs are Valuble,Speech of LIPs are Powerful, HEART with LOVE is Beautiful, LIFE with a FRIEND like YOU is more MEANINGFULL..Gud Nite...
Every night when I look at the moon, it reminds me of u! It makes me sometimes sad becoz I can see the moon, but I cant see u! Gud nite
Take it Light G,Miss Me Slight G, Never Do Fight G, Have Fun Might G, Eat Good Diet G,Try Flying a Kite G, Be Alwayz Happy Right G,& G0o0d Night G,