AS a day turns into night, Keeping worries out of site… No matter how tuf d world may seem, But…. U still deserve the sweetest dream tonight…. Good Night!!!
Under d sky so blue, i met sum 1 so true ,now d world seems sumthing new!sum1 vry special among a few, m realy glad tht ALLAH gifted me a friend like u.GuD NitE
I wish moon always be full & bright. And you always be cool & right. Whenever you go to switch off the light. Remember that I'm wishing you good night.
People may be unkind, just be kind. They may cheat you, just be honest. They may forget your good deeds, just do good. In the end, it’s between you and God, not you and them. Good evening!
They say in boxing-To win,it does'nt matter how hard u punch.Wat actualy matters is how hard a punch u can take n continue fighting.Its d same wit LIFE!!:.GN