Small minds talk about sales,Average minds talk abt business,Great minds talk abt Growth,But,Champions nevr talk,They just perform & the world talks abt them.BEST WISHES
Efforts may fail but don't fail to make efforts.Great things will always come late. There is no shortcut to success.Only way is best wishes…
If an egg is broken from OUTSIDE force -a Life ENDs If an egg breaks from WITHIN -a Life BEGINs GREAT things always begin from WITHIN US best wishes
If you can fly, run. If you can run, walk. If you can walk, crawl. But whatever you do... Keep on moving towards the goal u seek to achieve.BEST WISHES
Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you................
Feeling Tense? Think Me Feeling Sad? Call Me Feeling Lonely? See Me Feeling Sleepy? Dream of Me My Name is SELF CONFIDENCE Never Loose Me. ALL THE BEST
Mistakes r the part of life.We must learn othrs mistakes also & learn lessons from it,calculate it,then only u can correct ur mistakes also.GOOD WISHES